Career Profile

I received my Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong (co-supervised by Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo and Prof. Chun Jason Xue). Now, I am a senior researcher at ETH Zurich (in SAFARI group led by Prof. Onur Mutlu). I focus on the design and optimization of mobile operating systems and architecture, aiming at the needs of rapid start-up and the response of applications and prolonging the service life of devices.


Feb 29, 2024
Our paper is accepted by ASPLOS 2024 !
Nov 1, 2023
Our paper is accepted by TPDS !


Conference Papers

Journal Papers


  • [1] Jason Chun Xue, Riwei Pan, Yu Liang, Zhipeng Li, Ge Qiu, Jing Qian, Jian Yi, Jiaxin Li. Memory space management method and memory space management mechanism, 2021, China, 2021107427614
  • [2] Jason Chun Xue, Yu Liang, Riwei Pan, Zhipeng Li, Ge Qiu, Jing Qian, Jian Yi, Jiaxin Li. Cache file management method and mechanism, 2021, China, 2021107427864
  • [3] Jason Chun Xue, Yu Liang, Liang Shi. A method and electronic design for accelerating application startup, 2019, China, 2019110613620
  • [4] Jason Chun Xue, Liang Shi, Yu Liang. Method for separating hot and cold data, 2018, China, 2015110297112

Project Outputs

F2FS File System Optimization

  1. A TRIM optimization “f2fs: relax async discard commands more” motivated by my paper [J2] has been submitted to the Linux kernel Archives by the collaborator.

  2. Provide code interpretation and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of F2FS to help its deployment on commercial mobile devices. (The collaborator is the first smartphone vendor that uses F2FS, and now F2FS is one of the most popular mobile file systems.)

Mobile Kernel Optimization Project

  1. Cache file optimization [C2] and file deduplication work have been adopted by our industry collaborator and used in their OS to save storage space on mobile devices.

  2. Provided other three optimization prototypes for mobile devices (based on my papers [J1] [C3] [C5]). Some of them have been adopted by commercial smartphones.

Joint Optimization of OS and eMMC Controller

  1. Aiming at the data security of F2FS file system, a metadata and normal data separated storage scheme is proposed.

  2. To improve eMMC lifetime, we propose reduce unnecessary data writebacks based on the access patterns of mobile application files.

    The proposed techniques are planned to be implemented on the eMMC commercial products of the cooperative eMMC controller vendor.

Academic Services

  • The program committee of ATC'23, ATC'24, DSN'24, SYSTOR'24, EuroSys'25, and FAST'25
  • Session chair of ATC'23
  • The artifact evaluation committee of ATC/OSDI'22, ATC/OSDI'23, ASPLOS'23, and SOSP'23
  • The reviewer for International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Computing Surveys